Start delivering true omnichannel support. With Zowie, you can communicate with your customers wherever they are. Zowie works on all major chat channels and effortlessly integrates with existing chat widgets. Making changes? Zowie goes with you. Don’t have chat? Zowie also comes as an independent chat widget for both your mobile and desktop website.
Zowie is the brain that works behind the scenes. We integrate with the most popular customer support software on the market to deliver results as fast as possible. With Zowie, you can automate in minutes without replacing your current system or disturbing your team. And if you ever change your system, Zowie goes with you.
Zowie integrates with several popular ecommerce platforms, providing out-of-the-box order status and tracking number automations. Take advantage of Zowie ecommerce integrations to automate up to 30% of answers to repetitive customer service questions within seconds.
Personalization is key. Give your team superpowers by using your existing data to inform your customer service automation. Zowie uses all your available data to help you provide personalized customer service with immediate results.
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